Sunday 20 March 2011

Je suis de retour! (I'm back)

I took a little vacation and ... did nothing.  I did not go anywhere, but, I just felt like I needed a break and watched some old favourite movies and read mushy romance novels till I became some couch potato.  It sounds like I've been at it for a month, that's how one week felt like anyway.  Being the pessimistic kind, I worried about my semester tests and assignments and rolled back.  Yeah, sometimes you just have to do it.  Anyway, now, I feel like I'm going to be the Queen of Procrastinators.  
I forgot to mention that I've sowed the seeds of my first chilli plant!  I'm a big fan of chillies.  Grandma said that it might take around 2-3 months before the first chilli appears.  Well, I hope that I'll get more than one.

Okay, got to get back to work now!
See you soon, diary!

Thursday 3 March 2011

Chocolate Group: Recipes, Menus, Articles, Videos, and Community on

Oh nom nom nom... Who can say no to CHOCOLATE? I can't (for the record, my Mom can. Dunno how she does it). I feel that this weekend will be very chocolate-y! I have made choco muffins and cookies before. They tasted good, but, there's still "a hotel of rooms" for improvement. I might try some simple fudge this time.


P.S. : You can tell it's not something from me. I copied it from, solely for viewing pleasure.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Nothing feels like music... Nothing!

I have a Slicethepie account.  I'm still a newbie and haven't done much scouting.  But, I did pick up some new favourites.

There is Luigi Marchitelli, whose music sounded like heaven!  The link directs you to his Facebook page.  I haven't listened to much classical music.  I only recently heard Beethoven's 7th Symphony (2nd Movement, Allegretto) because it's part of The Fall's soundtracks.  It was really captivating.  I just wish that I knew how to play a musical instrument.  I don't know much about music, apart from which ones are among my favourites.  I usually find it hard to try new music as there's this fear of not liking it and having to try some other tracks to find a nice one.  Yeah, non-resilient me...  

While Youtube-ing today I came across some of my old time favourites.  I think it's true that the first time you listen to a good song, you'll always remember where and when you heard it, and how you felt at that time, whenever you hear it again.  I listened to To the Moon and Back by Savage Garden and recalled that I was on holidays the first time I had heard it.  I did not know that I had it on my music player, I was just randomly playing some songs because my cousin and my sister had fallen asleep, and I couldn't sleep at all (we weren't at home).  I liked it so much that I put it on Repeat.

Another "oldie" (according to me), La Tribu de Dana by Manau, which is really catchy.  I listened it so long ago (I'm only nineteen, but, still) that I can't remember anything about my first time.  But, I know that my Dad would sing it all the time.

Yesterday, while returning home from the university, I was listening to the soundtracks of Tron: Legacy and it just occurred to me that nothing ever feels like music, maybe not even true happiness.  I think it's just one of those miracles that we always witness and it never ceases.

Monday 28 February 2011

SAT test: Writing and Critical Reading

I haven't written an essay for quite some time now.  Since I'll be taking the SAT test in June most probably, it's high time I start sharpening my writing skills.  Today, I started with some Critical Reading practice from the book:

I think it is really good for trying out some questions quickly; you don't have to do multiple diagnostic tests in the beginning itself.  Maybe I'll try a full practice test this week.

As it turns out, my vocabulary has been at a standstill for quite a while.  So, I'm going to read, read and read like my life depends on it.  I can't wait to take my gap year!  There's still 3 months to go.

Woops, I think I had better go to sleep.  It's nearly four in the morning.

P.S: I'm thinking of posting my essays.  I do like writing essays, but, at times, there's just this void staring back at you when you rummage through your brain for ideas.  That's what scares me the most.  I hope I get over it.  I'll try to post an essay soon!


I love programming!  Yes, I'd rather do Maths than CS, but, who can hate programming?  The syntax, the reserved words, the recursive functions...  Once compiled, everything just sounds right, exactly like a poem being recited (No, not exactly, I'm just feeling metaphorical).  So, we tried OOP in Python last week, which was cool!  Apart from this: I was so lost that I didn't get back to it for another week.  Maybe laziness had more to do with this, though.  So to get back on track, I'm using How to Think Like a Computer Scientist.  So far, so good...  I did learn a bit of Java during the holidays, about a year ago.  I can't remember any of it, I should have tried implementing something.  Anyway, I just might do it again, and why not throw in some C++ while I'm taking the plunge?  I do love to plan, so I envision doing so many things.  Let's hope I'll get there.

Emma (Mr Knightley: Badly done, Emma!)

I watched Emma, the 4-episode TV series made by BBC, during the weekend.  It was the first Emma adaptation I've seen and I must say, I totally loved it and it's definitely on my to-be-watched-again pile.  I haven't finished the novel yet (getting there).  I'll probably have a Jane Austen Movie Night during the winter holidays and watch all the movies in one go.  Anyway, Regency is my thing.  No, I do not have a refined demeanor like Emma and Co., but, I do find their obsession with social etiquette, their dressing gowns (awwww!) and the old fashioned values alluring.  I think I'd like to dream about living in England in the 1800s.  

Oops, I totally forgot to mention the hairstyles, paletots and coats!  I might as well spill the beans, I'm quite certain I would have an Austen-type wedding, under the blue sky, amid lush gardens (this is where I start building castles in the air).

Although I've played on stage only twice and I watch plays mostly on TV, drama is one my stable interests (yeah, sometimes the unstable ones get spirited away, I'm quite forgetful that way).  So, I'm going to have a look around and see if I can join a drama club maybe.  I barely have any experience and I do have acute stage nervousness.  I literally had a Tom & Jerry chase playing in my mind each time I had to play my part!

P.S: Mr Knightley made me swoon alright!
Although he did a splendid job as Mr Woodhouse (worrywart), I kept picturing Michael Gambon as Dumbledore and kept having fits of laughter!

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Game Theory! (Why so serious? ~ Joker, Dark Knight; let's find out!)

So, I went to the library today.  I intended to look for a book explaining OOP in Python.  But, guess what I've found? This:

I've heard about the Game Theory.  All I know can be summed up as follows (actually, that's all I know): it is about devising the most effective strategies in order to reach the right conclusion, the whys and the hows.  Anyway, what can be better than learning it all from a book?  I guess I should have done this ages ago.  I hope I finish it!  I think the next thing on my list might be Topology.  But, let's get started with this one first.  Game on! (Couldn't resist)